METS Program

Project Overview

The Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Support (METS) project works to establish coordinated and effective national and district systems for the management of strategic information for Uganda’s HIV response. UCSF and Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) have been collaborating since 2009 to strengthen monitoring and evaluation of HIV programs in Uganda.

Areas of Support

Specific activities and areas of support include:

  • UgandaEMR — an application which enables design of a customized medical records system with no programming knowledge
  • OpenMRS — an open source medical record platform
  • Case-based Surveillance — systematic, ongoing and longitudinal reporting of data on newly diagnosed HIV cases
  • Dashboard/Analytics for various program areas 
  • Development, Implementation, Analysis and Reporting of large-scale evaluations of national programs (e.g., Option B+ roll-out, HIV/TB)


The project so far has established the following accomplishments, all under the leadership of Makerere University School of Public Health:

  • Rollout of UgandaEMR to health facilities and Uganda prisons, training implementing partner staff to install and maintain UgandaEMR and revision of Uganda EMR to allow for direct provider-based data entry
  • Support on the development of HIV case-based surveillance and Real-time ARV Stock Status (RASS) dashboards, including data mapping and analytical support
  • Tracking and data management of unique patient-identifier systems, including refining the model for HIV case-based surveillance based on OpenMRS platform and de-duplication and resolution of discrepant data

Key Leadership


  • Principal Investigator: George Rutherford, MD, MA
  • Leadership Team: Rachel King, Fitti Weissglas, David Mugume, Rikita Merai, Krysia Lindan